Saturday 2 June 2018

Galgotias University- School of Medical and Allied Sciences

Programs in Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Optometry, Medical Lab Technology and Cardiovascular Technology are offered by the School of Medical and Allied Sciences at Galgotias University.

The medical profession is really taken off as India goes global any many foreign health tourists are visiting the country because of low cost of treatment. Doctors and Medical professionals are very much in Demand now-a-days and are also as heath awareness is spreading in the country more and more people are going for medical procedures. The Medical profession is no doubt one of the most lucrative and respected professions today.

This school provides the best and the finest of health education to its students and works in collaboration with many community partners.

Also all the facilities and labs are updated and state of the art and the school endeavors to provide innovative, cutting edge academic and clinical exposure to students so as to make them ready for the highly competitive healthcare industry.

The School endeavors to be recognized as the leader in Medical and Allied sciences education, both nationally and internationally and also aims at gaining recognition in Research and Development to promote the discovery, development and appropriate use of medications for the welfare of the public.

The Courses offered by the School are:

·         Undergraduate Courses

1.       Degree programs in Pharmacy
2.       Degree programs in Physiotherapy
3.       Degree programs in Optometry
4.       Degree programs in Medical Lab Technology
5.       Degree programs in Cardiovascular Technology

·         Postgraduate Courses

1.       Master Program in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics).
2.       Doctoral program in Pharmacy.

The medical profession is gaining prominence by the day and with many multinational hospitals opening up all across India, the opportunities are endless. This is the best time ever for being a medical professional in India and we groom our students to be industry ready and make a mark for themselves in the competitive healthcare industry.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

LSAT-India 2018-Galgotias University

LSAT 2018-India will take place on 20th May 2018 at 20 test centers across the country. The scores of LSAT-India are accepted by over 80 law colleges in the nation.

Before we understand what LSAT is. Let’s talk about what it is not. LSAT has no particular topics to study, it is not a test of factual knowledge, and there are no questions on general knowledge or current affairs. Moreover, there are no math questions and you don’t need to study geometry or algebra for the LSAT-India.

“Research has shown that the best predictor of success in law school is high-level reasoning and critical reading, and those are the skills that the test is designed to assess.”

There are almost 92 questions and the exam time limit is a little over 2 hours.

There are three different kinds of questions:

1.       About a quarter of the questions on the test assess reading comprehension of longish, complex argumentative passages (‘Reading Comprehension’)

2.       Another quarter test the ability to deductively reason about what could or must be true, given a set of facts and rules (‘Analytical Reasoning’).

3.       The remainder of the questions—half the test—assess the ability to analyze, critically evaluate, and complete short arguments that appear in ordinary language (‘Logical Reasoning’).

Arguments are what Law is about. You should be able to analyze arguments which are a key part of the legal analysis. The basic reasoning is a must have for succeeding in Law. Law students should be able to analyze, evaluate, construct and refute arguments.

They need to prioritize and understand which information is relevant to an issue and argument and what impact further evidence will have. Law is all about connecting the dots.

They need to be able to reconcile opposing positions and use arguments to persuade others.
You should keep in mind all these factors while applying for or taking the LSAT-India exam. The last date for application submission is May 4, 2018.


Being amongst the top universities amongst private universities, Galgotias University has a class of its own. We are dedicated to providing quality practical job-based education and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

Based out of Greater Noida Galgotias University has more than 15000 students who are pursuing from amongst 100 Undergraduate and Post Graduate programs.

We believe in keeping the ‘Student First’ and are totally focused on becoming a catalytic agent in transforming an 18-year-old to an apt and able professional working for a big brand and delivering excellence. This is the reason why Galgotias University is ranked in one of the top most universities in India.

The record-breaking placements are another cap in our feather as companies from India and abroad flock to our campus and hire many of our students. Get more information at Galgotia University Reviews.

Thursday 17 August 2017

New way of learning at galgotias university.

With evolution within the economy and escalated significance of strategic business management, the importance of the company and skilled programs has conjointly skyrocketed. The modification witnessed within the operating culture of economies globally has charged universities to change the academic systems to make entrepreneurs capable of taking charge of modern businesses.

Galgotias University Reviews

Welcoming such desired leads to, Galgotias University reviews have topped the charts with achievers and innovators. The university with numerous specialized genres like engineering, technology, and management is toiling hard towards building an automatic academic system that unveils and refines the vocational talent sets of its students in order to form them globally competitive. 

Galgotias University has been praised for result familiarized efforts it puts in to train the scholars for the $64000 challenges in numerous walks of the opted profession. except for theoretical knowledge, it works around to put in and invoke skilled values and ethics in them through numeral extra-curricular activities and events. To support their objective of discovering totally different interests in students and manipulating an equivalent to triggering useful skilled conventionalities in them, Galgotias University offers ample of clubs and teams for college students to decide on from such as dance, dramatics, sports, Rotaract etc. 

Not simply this, Galgotias University Placements conjointly exposes it students to {the company|the company} world to lend them valuable skilled expertise through a window of corporate internship that students are needed to require up in summer. These internships are mandated for the apprentices to modify them to review and analyze globe challenges and brainstorm their wits to resolve the problems. 

The energy influxes by the college and management of Galgotias University has bagged it praises and accolades from recognized establishments and alumni. Apart from on stage acknowledgment, the simplest prize Galgotias has witnessed is that the 100% placement record which might be licensed to the winning combination of outstanding occupation and technical coaching assisted by theoretical and traditional learning. The altered system of conveyance education at Galgotias University could be a proven example of however progressive and sensible learning assisted with traditional and tested data will facilitate young professionals and into higher company positions.

Saturday 1 July 2017

Improve Your Presentation Skills With Galgotias University

Gone are the times once the academics education was the only factor necessary for changing into flourishing. Now, with the ever-changing time and therefore the growing competition, one needs to have several different factors that contribute in framing the personality of the student.

Galgotia University Reviews

To sustain within the competition and to be prior all the opposite students, the scholar should have the flexibility to square ahead of the general public and specific their opinion. These qualities of an oral presentation are often developed throughout the school days and thus it's necessary to pick the proper University that may facilitate its students in the very best manner to develop the ability.

Galgotias is that the name that focuses on developing the proper quite skills in its students with the assistance of their innovative and distinctive teaching vogue that the dedicated faculty members realize the best. Here are unit some of the ways with which Galgotias University helps its student to boost their presentation skills:

  1. Confidence: The issue that's required by any student who desires to surpass their skills for giving a presentation is of getting confidence in them. Having the proper quantity of confidence can facilitate the scholars to urge through the worry of oral presentation.
  2. Specializing in the proper body language: Having the proper body language once delivering the presentation is equally necessary and will be taken care concerning. The proper gestures of the body with assist you connect with the opposite party instantly.

  3. The approach of delivery: regardless of if you've got the proper material for the presentation, however, if you do not gift it within the right manner you may not get thriving. Master the ability to deliver the presentation in the right manner. It additionally includes presenting within the right tone and by creating an eye fixed contact.

Above are the ideas given by Galgotias University to understand a lot of concerning the university and its courses you'll be able to visit and check Galgotia University Reviews.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Degree in Integrated course is appropriate and worth it

Galgotia University is one of the top most ranking university in India in aspect of private sector education in the country. The university's courses and programs are divided into distinguished categories according to demand and modern education system. Integrated programmers is one of the category and today, integrated courses are the most demanding course all over the country. According to our youngest CEO, Mr. Dhruv Galgotia “the integrated programmers are best to pursue due to numerous of positive aspects and in last 3 years of experience, it has observed that integrated programmers students hold better knowledge and chances of getting placed in first place.” Some positive factors are describe below by Galgotia University Reviews in order to define the proficiency of integrated courses.

galgotia university reviews

1. Expertisation

Integrated courses consists of bachelors as well as master’s degree in a particular period of time. However, integrated courses are beneficial as they provide a good impression on career in future and also, lead to specialization and deep knowledge in particular subject. This creates a expertisation and specialization in students in aspect of his/her subjects.

2. Saves Time

Integrated courses or programs are appropriate for those students who look forward to pursue post graduation right after the completion of their bachelor’s degree. Integrated courses refers to a fixed period of time under which one pursue both bachelor's and master’s degree and usually this period of time is less than the time it would take to pursue separately or one after another.

3. Switching Institute

It is such a chaos to switch institute right after persuasion of Bachelor’s degree for further persuasion of master’s degree but in case of integrated program, one do not need to switch to another learning institute reason being he/she can pursue both undergraduate and postgraduate combinedly from a particular institute.

4. Earning Potential

Integrated programs prepare students with the early career choice and give them chance to keep standing on it. However, early beginning of career lead the journey on a long way at which students get monetary benefits due to their high earning potential.

5. Offered in every stream

Integrated courses are prominent today reason being the they saves time, money, efforts and finance. The courses are offered in almost every field of education either commerce, science, or Arts. Also, the eligibility criteria of integrated courses in Galgotia is “can be applied right after +2 with 60% in last given examination result.” Galgotia Arrest

These were the various reasons that why one should consider doing integrated course in spite of opting for post graduation right after under graduation in same subject. "In past years, it has been observed that companies prioritize those students who had integrated course instead of those who have only bachelor’s degree" said Padmini Galgotia, spouse of Suneel Galgotia.

For further information, you can check Galgotia University Reviews.

Thursday 1 June 2017

How advancement in Clinical Research will help? | Galgotia University

Galgotia University is India’s top ranking university accomplishing under the guidance of youngest CEO, Dhruv Galgotia, son of Mr. Suneel Galgotia, founder of Galgotia University. Recently the university has proficiently prearranged conference on advancements in clinical research stream of education in the university. Dhruv Galgotia, the CEO reveals that “Galgotia always look forward to the demand of education and aims to offer best to its students. I think advancements will make a difference.” Let’s see how advancements will help.

galgotia university reviews

1. Specialization

Clinical research has become one of the major streams of medical education in the country. Advancement in Clinical research will help the students to gain specialization in their particular field of interest. Clinical research can be categorized into different subject according to the interest of students. Students may choose to get specialism into specific dome in clinical research such as genetics, transnational research and so on.

2. Real Time approaching into Operations

Before the advancement, clinical research study was demanding an approaching into operation for an innermost place for recording operational activities, and easy accessible techniques. However, Galgotia University advancement in clinical research does not only provide an idea of recording purpose and easy accessible information in click but also, provide an instant approach to research activities and training for students.

3. More Career Prospects

Advancement in Clinical Research will widen the options in the corporation industry where the professionals of clinical research can enter into. However, Students will be open to different career prospects in distinguished industries such as pharmaceutical companies, medical laboratories, hospitals, as clinical research associates, coordinators and managers or medical assistants.

4. New Generation and New Technology

From last decade, country has been changing and developing at high rate. There are new technologies, new generation of students with different ideas, strong motivation and way of thinking. Advancement in clinical research will build a bond between students, technology and clinical research studies. Advancement in clinical research holds the chances of retrieve to treatments which are not available yet.

However, Galgotia University conference on “advancement in pharmaceutical and clinical research” was attended by over 450 students and faculty members from different universities. The conference was great accomplishment to the Galgotia University. Galgotia College is now recognized as the university with widest education courses offering all over the country.

For more information check Galgotia University Reviews.

Monday 15 May 2017

Galgotians - Secret of their Good Communication Skills

CEO is the Man behind the accomplishment of the University. Dhruv Galgotia is the son of Mr. Suneel Galgotia, founder of the university. In recent years, it has been observed that Galgotian are participating and achieving success over numerous of tournaments and other competitions at university level. It is worth mentioning that the students of Galgotia University also have these great communication skills. In past few years, number of videos of interview with students of Galgotia University came into the world of internet and it has seen that the students were so much better at communicating. Let’s see what their secret is.

galgotia university reviews

1. Good listeners

To become a good speaker or catch good communication skills, one needs to become a good listener at first. Galgotia University’s students tend to have this great level of patience and talent of listening to professors, faculty members or people carefully. Being a good listener is significant reason being until or unless you don’t know exactly what the person before you is saying, you will never be capable of cooking what you want to say in return. Also, listening helps to learn how to communicate.

2. Excellent Body language

Good communication skills do not consist of having a appropriate and proper response to people but body language also matters. Students of Galgotia University have amazing body language which impresses people around them. Galgotia Alumni speaks “participating in different events, workshops, conferences, students of Galgotia University generally tend to come in interaction with professional people and corporation members and heads. Meeting with them, interacting and attending these seminars and conference they adopt the same professional kind of body language.”

3. Positive attitude

Negativity ruins your impression. Students with bad or negative attitude can never become the choice of any corporation all over the world. Negative attitude should not be the habit of student’s reason being it tends to have effect on way of communication and make it revolting. Galgotians always hold this positive attitude in every conversation which enlightens the way they communication.

4. Brief, yet specific

Both in written or verbally, Students must try to become brief yet specific. In other words, student must be confident enough to briefly explain what he/she trying to say to other person efficiently and effectively that is be specific.

5. Confidence

Confidence is like the sugar in the desert. If you are not confident while you are communicating, then you cannot leave a good impression on the person you are communicating with. Confidence enlightens your communication by grabbing belief of other person in your words.

So! try these strategies of Galgotia University and it’s students to improve and have good communication skills and practice hard because our youngest CEO of Galgotia University, Dhruv Galgotia believe in “practice makes a man perfect.” 

For more information check Galgotia University Reviews.